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The Probation Department monitors the probationer’s compliance with Court ordered counseling, treatment, Community Work Service, alcohol and drug testing, and the probationer’s general compliance in refraining from engaging in any further criminal activities.


Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM


Phone: (419) 281-2586
Fax: (419) 282-9772

Chief Probation Officer

(419) 281-2586, Ext. 1242 (Opt. 2)
Fax: (419) 282-9772

Intensive Probation Officer

(419) 281-2586, (Opt. 1)
Fax: (419) 282-6300

Probation Officers

JOHN SIMMONS, Ext. 1255 (Opt. 4)

TIM PEASLEE, Ext. 1241 (Opt. 5)

JIM COEY, Ext 1229 (Opt. 6)

KEVIN TAYLOR, Ext 1232 (Opt. 7)

Mission Statement

We, the probation officers and staff of the Ashland Municipal Court Probation Department, are a distinctive group of professionals committed to supporting and serving offenders, the court system, and our growing community. We provide effective service to meet the needs of those we serve, as well as strive to achieve the goal of offender rehabilitation. We serve the community and the justice system in a responsible and compassionate manner.

Functions and Supervision

The Probation Department monitors probationers using a tier system of supervision:

  • Tier I:  Probationer is to physically report to the Probation Department on a monthly basis 
  • Tier II:  Probationer is to call into the Probation Department on a monthly basis 

These supervision tiers are assigned by the Court at the time of sentencing, but a probationer’s tier may be adjusted throughout the probationary period. 

A probationer’s failure to comply with Court ordered counseling, treatment, Community Work Service, or alcohol/drug testing, as well as a probationer’s engagement in additional criminal activities, can result in the probationer’s arrest. A probationer is subject to arrest by the Probation Department without a warrant at any time during his/her probationary period.

Community Service

Community Work Service

Learn more about our community work service program and the expectations for community work service assignments. 


Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

CWS Coordinator

(419) 281-2586, Ext. 1242 (Opt. 2)
Fax: (419) 282-9772

Community Work Service Agency and Organization Providers

The list of participating agencies and organizations for the Community Work Service program continues to grow. We currently have a list of 76 non-profit and religious providers that are on the approved list for the Ashland Municipal Court.

IMPORTANT: All community work service hours are to be scheduled through the Community Work Service Coordinator; you should not contact any of the agencies/organizations directly. If you do not schedule your community work service hours through the Community Work Service Coordinator, then the hours that you work WILL NOT count toward your community work service hours ordered or otherwise required by the Court. 

To have your local agency participate in the Community Work Service program and to be added to this list, please contact the Community Work Service Coordinator.

In 2015, under the direction of Judge John L. Good, and supervised by Community Work Service Coordinator, Robert Fulmer, the Ashland Municipal Court established a Community Work Service program. As a criminal/traffic defendant in the Ashland Municipal Court, you may be ordered to complete community work service as a part of your sentence or as a condition of your probation.

Community work service hours can range from 1 hour to 500 hours and will be determined by the Judge or Magistrate that hears your case.

work service

If ordered to complete community work service,  immediately report to the Ashland Municipal Court Probation Department to meet with the Community Work Service Coordinator. The Community Work Service Coordinator will gather relevant information, conduct a background check, and review the terms and conditions of community work service and failure to complete community work service with you.

Once you’ve completed the steps above, you will be assigned your community work service hours at one of many non-profit local, city, county, or state agencies located throughout Ashland County, Ohio.

Within seven (7) days of receiving your community work service assignment, you must contact the agency you have been assigned, to coordinate a work schedule. You are required to start your community work service within thirty (30) days of receiving your community work service assignment.

You will receive a timesheet and contact information for the agency you have been assigned to complete your community work service with. All of your community work service hours must be tallied on this timesheet and a supervisor at the agency is required to verify, with his/her signature, the hours that you have completed at that agency.

Once you have completed your community work service hours, you must ensure that your completed timesheet, including all necessary signatures, is returned to the Community Work Service Coordinator as proof that you have completed your responsibilities.

Terms and Conditions of Community Work Service

View Terms and Conditions
  1. I am to report to work at the time and place assigned by my work supervisor. I am responsible for transportation to and from the work site.
  2. I am to complete all work assigned to me by my work supervisor in a timely and efficient manner.
  3. I am to follow all work orders and rules established by my work supervisor.
  4. I am NOT to consume any alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs while on my work assignment. I am not to perform any work service hours while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or show any signs of impairment while performing work service hours. Therefore,I am subject to random drug and/or alcohol testing at any time.
  5. I am not to perform any work which I am not physically able to perform. My work supervisor may require medical documentation to confirm such requests for release from certain job duties.
  6. I am not to operate any equipment which I do not have the knowledge, ability, training, or license to operate.
  7. I am not to leave the work site at any time without permission from my work supervisor. No one is allowed to visit me during work hours unless it is an emergency.
  8. The use of cell phones is prohibited while working in the capacity of completing community work service, unless approved by the workplace supervisor.
  9. Time will be allowed for breaks in the work schedule. When necessary, time will be allowed for lunch. The work supervisor shall determine the timing and length of such breaks.
  10. Any work related problems are to be reported to my work supervisor and the Community Work Service Coordinator.
  11. All other rules established by my work supervisor at your work site, similar to guidelines for full or part-time employees, must be followed at all times.
  12. The dates that are set will be worked with NO excuses. Any unexcused absence may warrant immediate incarceration in the Ashland County Jail or may result in a warrant for your arrest for a Probation Violation/Contempt of Court charge.
  13. Contact with the work service assigned agency will be made within 7 days of the signing of my community work service agreement, and community work service hours will commence within 30 days of the signing of your agreement. 

Failure to comply with any of the above terms constitutes a violation of this agreement and may result in a charge of Contempt of court, Probation Violation or cancellation of the community Work Service agreement, whichever is applicable to your specific case.

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